Vitamin D3 benefits and Negatives

Do you know of a more well-known vitamin than D3? This vitamin has been prescribed by functional doctors (doctors who practice nutrition) like no other vitamin previously in medical history. And it is defined by traditional medical prescribers too. 


As a chiropractor and nutritionist (DC Doctor of Chiropractic), it's somewhat encouraging to see regular MDs prescribing the vitamin, it's like they've sneaked through the doors of the so-called "nutrition" room but it's only D3! It's odd to see them prescribing a vitamin even if they're not prescribing other minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and other herbs that we require. 


Being left out is an essential step towards the direction of the right direction. I believe that within 50 years, the majority of the medicine we use will be medical, and pharmaceuticals will have their place in the emergency Rooms where they should be.



D3 should be taken orally in the form of Calcifediaol (also called calcidiol,

hydroxycholecalciferol, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3). Recommendations are 15 mg/d (600 IU per day) for all individuals (males, females, pregnant/lactating women) under 70 years old. For those over 70 20 mg/day (800 IU/day) is suggested. 


There is plenty of disagreement within the world of medical nutrition regarding the correct dosage. A study from 2008 released in Cancer Research has shown the inclusion of Vitamin D3 (along with calcium) in the diet of mice fed a diet with a nutritional value similar to a brand new Western diet containing 1000 IU daily cholecalciferol helped prevent the development of colon cancer. 


When the dose was 400 IU a day, there was no impact on humans. A maximum (UL) in vitamin D has been set as 4,040 IU per day. A 4000 IU cut-off was set through the Institute of Medicine in 2010.


When a vitamin is brought to the forefront of attention, such as D3 has recently, we are at risk of becoming complacent and thinking that just because we've added D3 into our vitamin multivitamin, "we're healthy"," taken care of and being a well-informed and aware person. 


This is what I refer to as the healthy lifestyle shotgun approach. It is also dangerous. People do a great job online researching a myriad of chemicals, both used for cancer prevention and treatment they purchase them all every day. They are confident that they've conducted their research properly and are on the path toward good health.


But for a doctor like me who has conducted stool, hair, blood and urine tests on numerous people, the evidence is there! So If you think you're doing a great job using your online approach to nutrition self-diagnosis, test and determine what kind of healthy you are and the extent to which you've succeeded. 


My experience is that online self-help nutritionists don't see the bigger picture. It's difficult to tell you what this "big picture' actually is. It's the culmination of 33 years of studying the body, testing, speaking to and treating patients. It also incorporates a thinking method that tries not to get too enthusiastic about the year's latest magical ingredient or plant. I've enjoyed working with doctors who get excited about the latest healing agent every six months to a year or more.


They then begin to prescribe it to patients...then after six months, they go on towards the next gold bullet. In this endless cycle of nutrition-based cures, there is no definitive treatment system. 


The testing of hair, blood, and urine, along with your stool, to look for signs of parasites, or blood, examining the presence of blood cancer markers and then putting all this information together into a holistic view of a person's overall health is vital to determine what needs to be addressed. With a holistic approach to medicine, it is essential to be wholehearted and follow the walk...experimenting with shotgun prescriptions of the newest wonder nutrient of the month can only result in disappointment. However, we will be discussing Vit D3 in the coming days...

Since vitamin D in foods is subjected to radiation to remove it from the lanolin in sheep's wool or from the fungal sterol ergosterol, it is safer to get 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 from your doctor or health food retailer.


The insufficient consumption of vitamin D can cause D3 deficiencies in conjunction with inadequate exposure to sunlight (in particular sunlight that can absorb ultraviolet B radiation) and conditions that restrict vitamin D absorption, and other conditions that hinder the metabolism of vitamin D into active forms of the vitamin, some liver conditions kidney, kidney, and genetic conditions.


Insufficiency of D3 may cause impaired bone mineralization, leading to osteoporosis, osteomalacia in children and osteoporosis among adults.


Blood tests for 25-hydroxy Vitamin D are used to determine how much vitamin D exists within the body. The range for the calcifediol level is 30.0 to 74.0 mg/mL.


Vitamin D3 toxicities can arise from regular consumption of the vitamin, resulting in hypercalcemia and excessive bone loss. However, there is no reason to be concerned so long as you stay within a reasonable amount of intake.

If you are looking for the best Vitamin Clinic near me in Nelson, the Wellness At The Clinic is your best bet, you can connect with our experts and get going.

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