Vitamin D3 benefits and Negatives

Do you know of a more well-known vitamin than D3? This vitamin has been prescribed by functional doctors (doctors who practice nutrition) like no other vitamin previously in medical history. And it is defined by traditional medical prescribers too. As a chiropractor and nutritionist (DC Doctor of Chiropractic), it's somewhat encouraging to see regular MDs prescribing the vitamin, it's like they've sneaked through the doors of the so-called "nutrition" room but it's only D3! It's odd to see them prescribing a vitamin even if they're not prescribing other minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and other herbs that we require. Being left out is an essential step towards the direction of the right direction. I believe that within 50 years, the majority of the medicine we use will be medical, and pharmaceuticals will have their place in the emergency Rooms where they should be. D3 should be taken orally in the form of Calcifediaol (also cal...